Friday, February 19, 2021

Beef short ribs "steak" v1

So we had beef short ribs but I was asked not to turn it into a stew. Here's attempt number 1 at making a "steak" using a for-braising beef cut. I'm basically using the dry-rub technique more suitable to pork ribs, then pan-frying with butter to get a good crust. 

1/2 kilo beef short ribs, preferably in 1 large piece
smoked sea salt
peppercorns, ground and whole
3 bay leaves
1 clove garlic, crushed

1. Use salt, ground pepper, and paprika to make a dry rub around the beef. After about 30 minutes or so, put 1 cup of water in the Instant Pot and throw in the bay leaves and some whole peppercorns. Place beef inside the pot on a trivet and Pressure Cook on high for 45 minutes then NPR. You should have a clean-off-the-bone tender piece of beef that is devoid of crunchy texture. That comes in the next step

2. Let the beef rest and cool down (do step 1 in advance).  Heat up some butter in a pan, add garlic (and herbs if you have any), and brown the beef until you get a good crust on all sides (you can also try a peppercrust at this point). 

3. Optional: After the beef is well-crusted, make a sauce out of the flavourful bits in the pan. Leave a few tablespoons of butter/oil on the pan and add some flour to make a roux. Deglaze with wine and add a bit of broth. Simmer until desired thickness.  

Yeah -- potatoes and parsnips whatever -- we'll have it with rice and maybe some coleslaw to keep it suitably Western. 

Update: I now kind of get why the dry rub-pressure cook-fry/bake method doesn't really work for beef short ribs. The meat dried out too much, and was actually better before frying. So that wasn't a resounding success. But the gravy I made from the post-pressure cook liquid was awesome. 

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